GVR Plaza 2nd floor, LR Bande Rd,
R. T. Nagar, Kaval Bairasandra, Bengaluru, Karnataka 560032
Thank you for using Fy9.in URL Shortener services.
Any of Fy9.in’s users who spreads any kind of SPAM or involves in malicious activities can result in the termination of their own account without any prior notice and will be NOT applicable for any kind of refunds.
Our cancellation policy is simple and straightforward. You can cancel your subscription at any time. There will be no cancelation fee. Please contact us regarding data deletion upon subscription cancelation. Refer to the next section regarding refund after cancelation.
We issue refunds for all of our services within 15 days of the subscription date of the service. * NO QUESTIONS ASKED *.
There will be no refunds after the first 15-days of the subscription date. Service credits may be issued for yearly subscriptions.
All of your data will be deleted upon successful refund.
We recommend contacting us for assistance if you experience any issues while using the Fy9.in URL Shortener.
Contact us
If you have any questions about our Cancellation & Refunds Policy, please contact us here [email protected] .